JAG Season 1 Episode 5 : Deja Vu hd 720p
JAG Season 1 Episode 5 : Deja Vu
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Genre:: Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Air Date: 1995-10-21
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 5
Overview: Harm and Meg are investigating the death of a Navy officer at the Arlington Cemetary, where during the months before, other Navy officers have been murdered, too. This murder happened after a reception at the French embassy and the trail leads to the Thai ambassador and his wife. Harm is attracted to her as she reminds him of a girlfriend back in Vietnam who was killed. Also, Colonel Patano (the ambassador's guard), is one of the suspects. Locations: Washington D.C.; McLean, Va.; Bethesda, Md.
Stars: David James Elliott (Harmon Rabb), , Tracey Needham (Meg Austin),


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