JAG Season 1 Episode 21 : Ares hd 720p
JAG Season 1 Episode 21 : Ares
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Genre:: Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Air Date: 1996-05-22
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 21
Overview: A killed Navy officer working at a destroyer's new defensive system is investigated by Harm with help from Lt. Pike and Cdr. Brockman. Later, during the testing of this system, a malfunction occurs and the system takes over the ship. Without any chance to navigate it, the ship drifts directly to North Korea where the North Korean Navy is already awaiting them. Meg, who came in later, tries with other technicians to break the lockout to regain control over the sabotaged system. Locations: Okinawa, Japan; Japanese Sea
Stars: David James Elliott (Harmon Rabb), , Tracey Needham (Meg Austin),


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