JAG Season 1 Episode 17 : Black Ops hd 720p
JAG Season 1 Episode 17 : Black Ops
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Genre:: Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Air Date: 1996-04-10
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 17
Overview: Harm is called in to probe the death of Navy pilot Lt. Marion, son of US Senator Grace Marion, while training with the Navy SEALS. As he was there only for two days, it seems that the death was due to gross negligence. With the reports given by his superior and comrades, combined with the results of how how he died, it seems that the actual incident is a cover-up. Analyzing his equipment and learning that it was a combat mission (and not a training mission as stated), the facts then point at murder. The key to all this could be General Behnke. Locations: Washington D.C.; NAS Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico; Carribean Sea; Colombia
Stars: David James Elliott (Harmon Rabb), , Tracey Needham (Meg Austin),


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