JAG Season 1 Episode 16 : High Ground hd 720p
JAG Season 1 Episode 16 : High Ground
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Genre:: Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Air Date: 1996-04-03
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 16
Overview: GSgt. Crockett, instructor for snipers at the Boot Camp in Quantico, should be transferred to Bosnia. But there's a deal existing between him and his former commanding officers which says he won't be used in combat missions any longer. After shooting at the colonel 'to get his attention,' he is arrested. Since Crockett once saved Adm. Chegwidden's life, the Admiral orders an investigation to help him. But GSgt. Crockett escapes from the brig and hides in the mountains. Some marines, accompanied by Harm, go out to find Crockett, who's a well-trained and experienced sniper. Locations: Quantico, Va.; Washington D.C.
Stars: David James Elliott (Harmon Rabb), , Tracey Needham (Meg Austin),


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