JAG Season 1 Episode 13 : Defensive Action hd 720p
JAG Season 1 Episode 13 : Defensive Action
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Genre:: Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Air Date: 1996-03-13
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 13
Overview: Harmon Rabb is promoted and his first assignment as Lt. Commander is to defend Capt. 'CAG' Boone in a court-martial. During a mission over Bosnia, one aircraft goes down due to a system malfunction. A Serbian helicopter shoots at the parachuting crew and, to protect them, the CAG shoots down the helicopter. Is CAG, indeed, defending the crew from a hostile helicopter, or is he acting out of revenge, violating a cease-fire, and risking a war? Locations: Bosnia; Naples, Italy; USS Seahawk/Adriatic Sea; Washington D.C.
Stars: David James Elliott (Harmon Rabb), , Tracey Needham (Meg Austin),


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