Charmed Season 6 Episode 16 : The Courtship of Wyatt's Father hd 720p
Charmed Season 6 Episode 16 : The Courtship of Wyatt's Father
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:42:26
Genre:: Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Air Date: 2004-02-22
Season Number: 6
Episodes Number: 16
Overview: Gideon makes a deal with the Darklighters to get rid of Leo, but they accidentally send Leo and Piper to the Ghostly plane, leaving Phoebe and Paige to believe that they are both dead. Meanwhile, Chris begins to disappear and reveals that he must be conceived before the night is over or he will vanish forever.
Stars: Holly Marie Combs (Piper Halliwell), , Alyssa Milano (Phoebe Halliwell), , Rose McGowan (Paige Matthews), , Brian Krause (Leo Wyatt), , Drew Fuller (Chris Halliwell), , Dorian Gregory (Darryl Morris),


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