Charmed Season 4 Episode 2 : Charmed Again (2) hd 720p
Charmed Season 4 Episode 2 : Charmed Again (2)
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:42:26
Genre:: Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Air Date: 2001-10-04
Season Number: 4
Episodes Number: 2
Overview: Mourning the death of Prue, Piper and Phoebe must now come to grips with the loss of their oldest sister, and the loss of the Power of Three. However, The Source discovers an unknown sister - the daughter of Patty and her whitelighter Sam, who had been kept hidden, Paige, the now-youngest Halliwell can restore the Power of Three and reunite the sisters' strength as witches.
Stars: Holly Marie Combs (Piper Halliwell), , Alyssa Milano (Phoebe Halliwell), , Rose McGowan (Paige Matthews), , Brian Krause (Leo Wyatt), , Julian McMahon (Cole Turner), , Dorian Gregory (Darryl Morris),


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